Take Control of Your Health

Take Control of Your Health

Take Control of Your Health

*Join our iOS TestFlight beta program.

*Android is coming soon…

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Most medications were tested on men alone, so if you happen to be a woman, like us, you might not be getting the best treatment for you.

Levana is here to change that.

Our app enables you to track responses to meds, analyze them and facilitate a data-driven conversation with doctors, to find the right dose for YOU.

How it Works
How it Works
How it Works

We women have cycles, meaning our hormone levels change throughout the month. Unfortunately, traditional prescriptions often fail to address these fluctuations, leaving us with doses that don’t suit our true needs.

Levana is our way to fix this. With our app, you can track your cycle along with your medication for Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD, enabling you to tailor the right dose for YOU.


Anonymously answer a daily questionnaire, to  record your symptoms and doses, in accordance with your cycle.


Receive insights that allow you to have an educated, data-based conversation with your doctor, and tailor your prescription to your individual cycle.


Help other women get the right prescriptions by anonymously sharing your data. This will allow us to create a powerful tool which takes cycles into account and could finally impact decision making about treatment for women.

What motivates us

The guidelines for drug dosing were determined based on clinical trials conducted primarily on men. Women’s hormonal cycles are not taken into consideration, even though these hormones significantly influence the effectiveness of many common medications. As a result, women are routinely mis-medicated.

We can't make med companies test their products on women but we CAN give you a powerful tool to study how your meds AFFECT YOU, so you can have a well-informed conversation with your doctor, and receive the best treatment.

We believe that dosing should be simple, medication should be effective and side effects should be minimal.

If you are not sure about joining our Beta, sign up here for updates and we will contact you! 

Join Levana

We believe that you know best

We want to hear how you feel and how your medication is affecting you and meeting your medical needs. With a data driven approach we provide you and your physician with tools to tailor dosing to your unique needs.

Awareness, ownership and agency are the leading principles of our work and we want you to join us in this journey of changing the way women are medicated. Help close the gender health equity gap.

Join our community of Beta testers who are monitoring daily on our app. Your reporting will help us shape the very first dosing recommendation tool. 

We will always keep your data anonymous.

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Join Levana

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All rights reserved. Levana and Levana logo are trademarks of Levana.

All rights reserved. Levana and Levana logo are trademarks of Levana.